React Cebu — a community for developers by developers

React Cebu First Meetup

We, React Cebu, aims to spread the usage of React JS and other JavaScript technologies to the community by organizing free meetups, workshops, code camps, trainings and more. Through these, we hope to create a friendly, inclusive, and positive space for our community members to engage and excel in this area. This is also to uplift other developers through free learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration. Ultimately, we hope to help in fostering cutting edge developers in Cebu City.

We believe in the importance of finding your tribe — the people who'll be your cheerleaders, you'll grow and learn with — and that's what React Cebu hopes to be.

Everyone is welcome to join this community by developers, for developers.

We appreciate more hands! Let us know if you have the desire to help us bring more developer events. Send us a message at

    Copyright 2023 © React Cebu. All rights reserved.